About platform
International and Regional Information and Marketing Centers "Cooperation"
MiR IMC "Cooperation" is a portal-platform and an eco-system of international and regional information and marketing centers for interaction, partnership and cooperation between enterprises, organizations, institutions, authorities and entrepreneurs (business entities).
Our mission is to sell your goods and services and provide you with the products you need.
People are looking for your products and services, we help them find you.
At the moment, MiR IMC is an information and trading platform with advanced features.
First, you can register yourself through the site, post information about your suggestions and needs.
Second, you can, through your personal account on the website, receive applications for what you offer and receive offers for what you need; you can send your suggestions to other members about what they need and you have, and what you need and they have.
Third, you can manage orders received by you through your personal account on the website, and see at what stage your orders to other participants are.
Fourth, you can use the international system of instant mutual settlements (without using money), paying for what you need, paying with what you have.
Fifth, you can earn passive income by offering goods and services of other participants to your friends, and constantly receive an agency fee from sellers for each such sale.
Sixth, you can receive outsourced marketing services, where employees of IMC regional M&R centers will assist you in finding the necessary counterparties around the world.
Seventh, you can register your local system by selecting the appropriate configuration.
Independently set up and manage any business processes of your enterprise.
Starting with personnel accounting and planning current tasks, ending with receiving and processing applications, fulfilling and closing orders, accounting for cash flow, and much more.
Why platform?
MiR IMC combines a number of functions:
1. Software in a higher level language (human intelligible language).
No programming knowledge is required to customize the system to suit any user's own needs.
2. Self-learning ecosystem-constructor.
Each user, who independently configures his business processes, is the creator of his own local system, which will work according to new algorithms.
The current software has already been built to familiarize the new user with the system.
All sections contain comments. All forms and tables contain explanations. All fields have hints. All elements of the system are commented.
Any user can independently study the existing system and teach it how to handle new tasks.
3. BPM (Business Process Management) - a ready-to-use section of the system.
The section includes most of the activities of each enterprise. These are electronic chronicles of each structural unit, each employee.
4. Pluggable additional modules.
If necessary, the BPM section can be supplemented with specialized modules that take into account the individual characteristics of the institution.
5. Web site MiR IMC.
Information and trading platform for the publication of proposals and needs of the participants in the system.
As well as an electronic online collection of key reference information for business at the regional and international levels.
6. International mutual settlements system (IMSS).
The section includes an electronic accounting system for making instant payments around the world without the use of money.
A stable system that complements the monetary system. Intrasystem banking on accounting for the assignment of claims.
7. MiR IMC.
An international network of local, regional, and national system offices around the world, offering outsourced marketing services to registered system participants at its level.
Members of the system reduce their costs, increase their income, increase turnover, improve their image, get new distribution channels and more new paying customers.
Saved means earned.
Based on your application forms, the system and our specialists help you to find new customers and suppliers.
To do this, we analyze the needs of other participants, advertise your offers among the target audiences of your potential buyers.
We send them letters and presentations about your proposals. We can negotiate and meet with your future clients.
And if they are interested in your products or services, we transfer them to you for the conclusion of direct sales contracts.
This is possible due to the fact that all participants are united on a common resource MiR IMC, where they post their proposals and needs, for the processing of their applications by the organizers of the resource, and not just by the participants themselves.
Benefits for participants of MiR IMC:
1. Entering new, previously closed markets for products
2. Increase production and sales
3. Retaining the workforce and developing the business
4. Possibility of maximum utilization of free production capacities
5. Reducing the costs associated with marketing and supply
6. Optimization of tax, insurance, pension and other deductions
7. New, alternative sources of funding
8. Saving working capital due to multilateral mutual exchange
9. Sources for new purchases appear due to new sales
10. Saving the internal resources of the enterprise
11. Concentration of the enterprise on core activities
12. Reducing the risks associated with the conclusion of contracts and the organization of deliveries
13. Possibility to sell non-core goods and services.
You can save money on marketing, advertising, distribution and supply.
Cooperation, not competition, should be the motto of humanity,
if humanity wants to survive.
We all understand that people in the course of their life have to unite and interact to solve pressing issues.
Also, enterprises need to interact to exchange produced goods and services.
We all constantly have to buy something from each other and sell (exchange).
In order to produce something, you have to buy something.
In order to make a profit, you must strive to reduce costs.
In order to buy cheaper and sell profitably, in the modern world it is necessary to have a lot of information and use information technology.
Therefore, in order to reduce costs in the Producer-Consumer chain, to facilitate and automate the supply and marketing processes at enterprises, and also to help transform the lost profits of enterprises and entrepreneurs into new income for them, MiR IMC "Cooperation" offers you to use the "outsourcing marketing" service or selling what is offered, supplying what is necessary.
We invite everyone to participate and cooperate!